
These terms should provide clarity and guidance for users engaging with the online distance learning platform while also protecting the website's interests and maintaining a positive learning environment.

Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)

Guidelines outlining acceptable behavior and usage of the website and its services.


The ability to log in and utilize the website's resources and materials.

Course Materials

Educational content, such as lectures, videos, readings, assignments, quizzes, and exams, provided by the website.

Distance Learning

Education provided remotely, typically through online platforms, enabling students to learn without being physically present in a traditional classroom.


The process of registering or signing up for courses on the website.


A qualified individual responsible for teaching and facilitating learning activities within the courses offered on the website.

Intellectual Property

Original content, including text, images, videos, and other materials, protected by copyright laws.


An individual enrolled in courses on the website, also referred to as a student or participant.

Login Credentials

Username and password required to access the website's services.

Online Forum

A virtual space where learners and instructors can interact, discuss course topics, and ask questions.

Privacy Policy

A document outlining how the website collects, uses, and protects users personal information.

Refund Policy

Guidelines for requesting refunds for courses or services purchased on the website.


An outline or roadmap detailing the topics, schedule, assignments, and expectations for a course.

Technical Requirements

Minimum hardware, software, and internet connection specifications necessary to access and use the website's services effectively.

Terms of Service

Legal agreements outlining the terms and conditions of using the website and its services.

Virtual Classroom

A digital environment where learners attend lectures, participate in discussions, and interact with instructors and peers in real-time.


An online seminar or workshop conducted via the internet, often including presentations, discussions, and Q&A sessions.


The process of discontinuing enrollment in a course before its completion.

Zero Tolerance Policy

Policy against any form of misconduct or violation of the website's terms, with strict consequences for offenders.

24/7 Support

Access to customer service or technical assistance at any time, typically through email, chat, or phone.